Current Events:

Abolish Abortion AK members will be attending the Abolitionists Rising: All On Fire Conference in Charlotte, NC April 18-21st. At the 2024 conference, attendees will be equipped to fight the culture of death as a Christ-follower and be encouraged by the fellowship of abolitionists and Christians in this important cultural fight. Check out the AAAK YouTube channel to hear about inspiring moments and interviews recorded live on the Abolish Abortion AK YouTube channel.

Current legislation pending in Alaska:

The HB205 the Life at Conception Bill is pending within the House Health & Social Services committee. Should it pass out of the HSS committee it will be referred to the Judicial and Finance committees. An initial hearing in the HSS committee occurred on March 14. No action was taken and will be rescheduled. Please submit comments to the committee’s email here or submit a 50 word POM (Public Opinion Message) here, or email individual committee members:


Vice Chair:

Majority Leader:

A Resolution to Abolish Abortion has been created to help educate the Christian community about the biblical foundation for abolition. After 54 years of murdering Alaska’s pre-born children, it is time to end abortion now. Sign up to show your support the AK Pastors Resolution.

Do you think of yourself as a Pro-Life Christian? Learn why abolition is the only biblical view we can hold on abortion. What does it mean to be an abolitionist?

“Well Henry, what shall we abolish next?”
-William Wilberforce to his friend Henry Thornton
after the passage of
The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act (1807)

“Abolitionist” is a term often associated with those who fought slavery, but it was never intended to be. It is a term that refers to a set of Biblical principles by which evils are removed. From quotes like the one above from Wilberforce and from the writings of many abolitionists of slavery, we know that they desired to see these principles put to use against other and future evils.

Abolitionism is …


We are determined that the Bible should be the foundation for everything that we do.  From the Bible, we proclaim that all human beings are created in the image of God.  Genesis 1:27


The Creator Himself became a Man in order to rescue mankind from sin, death, and eternal separation from Him.  And He has commissioned us to bring the Good News to a fallen world.


We believe that seeking the immediate abolition of abortion is an obligation of the Church.  We seek to awaken the Church to fulfill her ordained purpose to be salt and light in this sin-soaked world.  


We will not compromise with this culture of death.  We must repent of our apathy and cease to tolerate this unspeakable evil, treating abortion consistently as what it is; the murder of the most defenseless and innocent members of our society.

5. Providential

We rely on the Providence of God, not the pragmatism of man.  We are called to be faithful, to walk in righteousness, to speak the truth in love, and to trust in Him above our own understanding.